Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Motherhood -Changes to Body, Mind and Soul

Firstly, admit it, how many of us took a pre-pregnancy pair of jeans to the hospital with them, under the mis-guided belief that they would parade out of there, 24 hours later, looking exactly as they had 40 weeks previously?

  Last week a much younger mummy friend of mine confided in me that since having her daughter her boobs were, "deformed".  Puzzled I got her to explain what she meant.  I eventually understood that what she actually meant was her boobs had lost fullness at the top. I couldn't help myself, i had to laugh (and kept chuckling to myself on and off for the rest of the afternoon - much to her annoyance), "Sweetheart if you're deformed so am I, and pretty much every other mum I know!!"  Although relieved to hear this, she was surprised that most mothers do suffer from a disappointing sag in the boob area post - pregnancy.  I suppose this along with stretch marks, varacose veins and saggy tums is what you don't see with the Victoria Beckham type celeb 'yummy mummys' featured in magazines.  A friend of mine Mrs D swears celeb skinny mums have a post c-section (they never seem to push do they?) tummy tuck as standard.

I must admit it is quite a shock how long it takes to get your body back to anywhere near how you remember it.  I recently lost my culmunative weight gained through both of my pregnancies (bear in mind TD just turned two!).  Naturally I am pleased about this, but when I look in the mirror all I see is the same saggy tummy just stuck on a smaller body. 

What is even more shocking than the irriversable body changes is what happens upstairs.  My friend Mrs S claims she is only one small step away from having to wear a blackboard round her neck, to write herself notes on as she goes.  I refer to it as,'mummy brain', and see no signs of it departing dispite the fact that my daughter is 2.

Here are a list of things I think I would not have done BC (before children):

1. Gone to pick my son up from nursery with one jean leg tucked into my boot and the other out.
2. Sent my laptop through the post wrapped only in a jiffy bag.
3. Shouted at a middle aged woman in Tesco for, 'tutting' at FBS aged 2.
4. Took TD shopping wearing a press studded vest, tights and no nappy!
5. Posted a pile of christmas cards, some with names, addresses and stamps on, some with just names?!

Finally, did anyone ever cry at adverts pre- pregnancy?  Anything be it on the news or in a soap opera can set me off.  Anything involving kids and Mr B is considering getting me sedated. 
The other thing is that my self confidence has definately taken a knock.  I love being a mum but the tiredness, biscuit mush on your jeans and scrapped back hair, doesn't make you feel a million dollars. 

But then occasionally when I get dressed up to go out, FBS will exclaim, "mummy you look beautiful!"  I think he is genuinely surprised.  He also says I make the best pancakes ever...I know the names of a lot of dinosaurs....and only i can make them feel better when they fall down....

Lots of changes yes.  But not all bad.

Kerry B xx

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