Thursday, 2 September 2010

First Day At School!

After days of sewing name labels into uniforms FBS started school today!  This is a landmark day in any child's and parent's life.  I am pleased to say that the day started without a tear!! 

The morning came and he appeared in the kitchen at 7.30am dressed in his austronaut costume.  "Did you sleep in that?" I asked.   He had.   His lovely spikey hair of yesterday, fresh from the hairdressers, had been replaced by a flat bowl style do, caused by sleeping in the austronauts helmet!!   Ah well don't make a fuss, keep him calm, excited but not over whelmed. 

After a breakfast of pancakes (his favourite) and 2 weetabix (I didn't want him getting hungry), he got dressed into his school uniform.  With a little help with the shirt buttons and a minor panic over the school shoes hurting, he was dressed and ready to go.  We took photos of course and then he insisted on modeling his uniform to the neighbours!  Mr. B came with us to drop him off and also assist with TD on this special morning.  FBS was so excited chattering away, "oh wait till you see my school daddy, you are gonna love it!" and "I can't believe I'm going to big school!"  What happens now I imagine will be anyone's guess.  When he went for his visit he said that all he could remember doing was climbing trees.  I'm fairly sure that tree climbing is not as yet on the national curiculum.

I am pleased to say that FBS is one of those children who was absolutely ready to start school.  Over the last 6 months it has become apparent that hanging out with me and TD simply isn't cutting it.  He wants to be with kids his own age as much as possible.  This readiness for school has also manifested itself in mischief.  The height of which came when FBS and a neighbour's 4 year old went on a spray painting spree, with some silver paint they had found in the garage!  Our car, the accomplice's mother's car and extension!  Another neighbour's car, all had spray painted silver blobs on them!  By shear good fortune we noticed their crime almost imediately and Mr.B managed to get the paint off with white spirit leaving no damage.  FBS was in BIG trouble that day!

FBS's school is a Catholic primary school.  I went to catholic school and I think sometimes your gut instinct is to stick with what is familiar.  I fell in love with the school when I went to visit and an older boy (aparently preparing for an assembly) sauntered past with a life size cross over his shoulder, as if on his very own road to Calvary!  How FBS will take to the nuances of Catholic education I'm not sure.  Most kids go through quite a pious stage which I am looking forward to!  Sometimes they fancy becoming a priest or nun.  Once FBS and I drove past a large woman in a mini dress at the side of the street.  "Mummy look", said FBS, "That lady has got a funny face...She looks like a man in a dress... I wonder if it's a priest?!"
I picked FBS up from school and he's had a great day.  I asked him what he'd had for lunch and he confidently said, "Salmon, potatoes and sweetcorn............and sausages?".  Similarly he couldn't really remember what he'd done all day but he seems happy to return tomorrow.

As we walked back to the car, we passed a lady sitting in her car with the window open.  "Hello!", he said, "I'm just walking home from school, I've had a hard day!"

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