Friday, 17 December 2010

Letter to FBS on his Fifth Birthday

My darling son you are 5!  You have been waiting and counting the 'sleeps' for a very long time.  We had a big pirate party for you and you were sooo excited.  You think your legs are longer now you are 5. 

What a year it has been, you finally started school!  You absolutely love it and have lots of friends.  You were a star in the school Nativity.  You had tinsel around your neck and a star on your head.  Your star kept falling infront of your eyes but you didn't seem to mind.  You were the only child that kept waving all the way through!  I think you were very proud of yourself.

 Last week you told a teaching assistant she was beautiful.  You think that this will carry favour with santa.

There is a little boy at school that you do not like.  His name is Bobby.  In week two of school he called you a, 'rude potato!'  You are still banging on about this.  You told your friend Libby and so she decided not to invite poor Bobby to her birthday party.

You look so cute in your school uniform and you have lost your two front teeth.  I know I'm your mum but you are still a handsome boy!

Sometimes you like your sister and sometimes you don't.  She adores you, but she gives as good as she gets in the fighting stakes.  Sometimes when you are sat having tea together she says, "YOU PEPPA PTHHH!".  We don't really know what she means but it makes us laugh and laugh.  If she wont hold my hand when we are walking I ask you to hold her hand and you do.  Sometimes when she is sad in the car you hold her hand there too.  You want to get bunk beds so she can share your room.

You like to go swimming and to the park.  You learnt to ride your bike in the summer.  You learnt so quickly, good balance- not like your mum.  You love watching films and having a secret snack after your sister has gone to bed.  You love books.  Your Grandma bought you one about killer animals.  I'm not entirely convinced it is suitable for a child of your age but you love it.  You really like to dress up.  It annoys you that your sister does not.  You like sausages and chocolate mini rolls.

I am soo proud of you my darling and I love you more than anything, (But the same as your sister) xxx